About Me

I began being a model because since I was a baby, family members, and strangers alike would come up to me and ask if I was a model, or suggest that I give it a shot. I became open to this possibility in my junior year of high school. From there, things went by inconceivably fast. My mom mentioned to her friend, who was a make-up artist, if she knew anyone who could help me begin this new odyssey. She knew a friend, of another who was a Canine Couturier, and designer for Womens Clothing, Anthony Rubio. From there on, I fell in love with what modeling could stand for, when used to its full potential. In the ways that bring light, love, and energy to the world. Now, as a graduate, currently 18 years old, I am eager to enter into the world of high fashion, and collaborate in music videos for artists, who's messages I find inspiring, and meaningful. Along with my statuesque body, I have a world of ideas and potential inside myself, that I will use to my 110%, in every project I work in.

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